Welcome to Prep

Grades 3 to 8

Life at our Prep is full of opportunity and fun. Providing your child with a strong academic foundation is only the start of our offering.

We are extremely proud of our vibrant and supportive community. We ensure that your child receives the best education in the classroom, enjoys a wide range of sporting, music and artistic opportunities and benefits from exceptional pastoral care. Our holistic approach nurtures and guides their path from children through to their teenage years.

Lower Prep starts at Grade 3, where their class teacher is the centre of their universe. Here we really get to know your child, their talents, their interests and their characters. Children learn at different rates and so we make sure that each child is looked after as an individual.

At Grade 5 (Middle Prep), the academic emphasis starts to pick up pace as we say farewell to the general class teacher and welcome specialist teachers across all subjects. Mathematicians teach Maths, scientists teach Science and artists teach art along with the other specialists teaching all the other subjects. This offers children much greater depth than the traditional class teacher model.

Upper Prep starts at Grade 7. The academic and all-round curriculum continue but most importantly we are able to focus on their development pastorally. These extra two years (Grades 7 and 8) allow children to develop as leaders and learn responsibility. Children who leave for their senior school at the end of Grade 6 often find it intimidating and cold. 11 year olds mixing with 17 year olds can be a daunting prospect. At Cheltenham your 12 year old will have the chance to lead their junior school and so arrive at their Senior school fully prepared for the next step of their journey armed with intellectual curiosity, quiet confidence, and a kind soul.

Children have the time and space to absorb everything that they learn. Our aim is for them to approach every task with an open mind, an inquisitive nature and with no constraints.

We look forward to ensuring that your child receives an extraordinary education that challenges them, but also puts a smile on their face and gives them plenty to talk about when they get home.

Children enter Cheltenham Muscat Senior at the end of Grade 8.